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Retirement Advice For Building A Solid Savings

Retirement is a time for peace and quiet. You can either take up a new hobby or just relax and do nothing. In fact, you can volunteer, take a new job or even travel the world! In order to be able to do what you want use the tips below to start planning today.

Either start saving or keep on saving. If you aren’t saving already, then it’s due time that you started. You can never really begin saving too early for retirement. If you are already saving, then good job, but you can’t slack off as time goes on. Keep saving and don’t give up.

If your employer has a retirement plan, then work with it as much as you can. If you ever have the money to spare, then stick it in your retirement plan. An employer’s retirement plan is a great idea because there will be much lower taxes and the employer may match your savings as well.

Enjoy yourself! One of the great things about retirement is the ability to be able to do whatever you want. Make sure you take advantage of the time and do things that you enjoy. It’s easy to find yourself in a rut where you want to stay at home, but look for things that are fun.

Refrain from taking early withdrawals from your retirement account. These withdrawals will have substantial penalties, and will take away from the money that you have set aside. Typically, you will be charged a fee of 10% on top of the federal and state taxes that you will pay, reducing your amount by almost half.

Know how much money you will need for retirement. Experts agree that you will require 70 percent of your income to maintain the standard of living you are used to. By beginning to save early in life, you can assure that you have enough income to live comfortably during your golden years.

Consider taking up a class or studying a foreign language in your retirement years, to keep your mind sharp. While relaxing is all well and good, the old saying “use it or lose it” applies in your golden years. Keep your mind active and focused, or you may risk becoming forgetful during the most fun years of living!

Start saving for retirement as early as you are able. The earlier you start saving, the better. Every little bit helps. The longer you have that money in a savings account, the more it can grow. How much you have saved will make a huge difference when you actually do retire.

Make realistic plans and set realistic goals for your retirement. Don’t set your sights unrealistically high, and be honest about how much you are going to need to maintain your standard of living. Sit down and plan a budget for yourself. Based on that, determine how much you will need before you can retire.

Think about a long-term health plan. For many, health declines with age. As health declines, medical expenses rise. If you get a health plan that’s long term you can get your needs taken care of at a facility or in the home if you have health problems.

If you’ve always wanted to be more politically active in life, but simply never had the time, do so in your golden years. The 65+ voting group has become quite a force, and you could have fun expressing your political opinions. Look online or sign up for a local group, and let your voice finally be heard!

Never, ever touch your retirement savings before you retire. That money only grows over time when left untouched but added to over time. Do not use it to pay for a vacation, a house or even a college education. Find other ways to save for and finance those possibilities in your current life.

Diversify your retirement savings. Do not put all of it into bonds or stocks alone. Always keep some in bonds, but do slant more towards stocks the younger you are. Even within stocks, there are further options ranging from conservative dividend producing stocks to more risky but growth oriented value stocks.

Don’t forget to factor in your spouse when planning for retirement. Both of you need to be putting money away to ensure your comfort. That said, what if one of you doesn’t make it to retirement? Will the other be able to live on what money is left at the time?

Take retirement seriously. Make sure you ask questions of the people that know what they are talking about. That might mean consulting with a financial adviser or sitting down with someone at your company to talk about what they offer. Keep meeting and talking until you have a handle on what you need to do to secure your future.

If retirement is looking too expensive for your budget, talk to your employer about becoming a virtual employee. If you can meet all of your responsibilities from the comfort of your home PC, working will be easier as you age, but still fund your lifestyle. The extra money will certainly help, and you’ll be keeping your mind sharp too!

Today is the best day to start planning for your retirement, so use what you’ve learned and begin as soon as possible. If you need more help feel free to keep reading all you can. In fact, the more you know about planning for retirement, the better your retirement will be.


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